High School Principal

  • Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),


    Welcome back to what I am sure will be an exciting year at Union Springs High School. This handbook is a valuable tool to ensure everyone, including students, parents, and staff, knows our shared mission and vision. It outlines our academic programs, extracurricular activities, and key policies on attendance, behavior, and safety. By familiarizing yourself with this handbook, you will be better equipped to participate actively in our educational journey and create a positive learning environment for all.


    Open communication and collaboration between school and home are crucial for a student's success. I am excited to announce the implementation of Parent Square, an innovative communication platform that will further enhance our school's connection with parents and guardians. More information on Parent Square will be available soon.


    Please take the time to read through the handbook carefully and discuss its contents with your child. Our dedicated staff will gladly assist you if you have any questions or need further clarification. Look out for our newsletter, follow us on Twitter, and check out the high school website to stay informed of important dates.




    Mr. Dentel

    High School Principal