Digital Behavior

  • Dear AJ Smith Families,

    Now that we are a week into a formal digital learning plan, for grades 3-5 only, and everyone has had an opportunity to sign on to their classes, access the assignments, and interact with their teachers, I want to send along some reminders regarding expectations for behavior while learning in a digital landscape.

    First, to all of our parents, guardians, families, students and school staff, thank you for all that you are doing. As a parent and your child’s principal, I know and appreciate that this is easy for no one. What you are all doing to ensure that learning continues is impressive and I grow more proud of this community every day.

    Your zoom meetings, google meets, google classes and other platforms are to be viewed through the same lens as your classroom at A J Smith. Expectations for student behavior regarding use of technology, both software and hardware, still applies as do expectations regarding how students interact with each other and their teachers. I applaud our students in how they are handling this situation as we all navigate teaching and learning remotely via digital resources. When students sign on to their digital “classrooms” they must treat both the learning environment, as well as those participating in the class with respect. Meaning, profanity, harassment, bullying or other disrespectful behaviors will not be tolerated. Everyone deserves a safe place to attend school, no matter whether that is in the school building or through a device. During this period of remote, digital learning please remember that the code of conduct applies (this document can be found on the school website if you do not have a hardcopy at home)  A few key points from the code of conduct to remember

    1. Students have the right and responsibility:
      • To respect and protect the privacy of others and to have their privacy respected.
      • To respect and protect the integrity, availability, and security of all electronic devices.
      • To respect and practice the principles of the USCSD community.
      • To respect and practice the principles of the global community.
    2. All have a right to learn in a safe, inclusive environment free of emotional, physical, or cyber bullying, harassment or bias.
    3. All have a responsibility to contribute to ensuring the school environment is conducive for learning and is a place that feels safe and respectful for all.  

    Students, your teachers and parents/guardians are working beyond anything they have ever done to ensure that you have a safe and consistent way to continue your education during this period of school closure. It is imperative that you show them the respect they deserve by doing your absolute best during this very tumultuous time and refrain from any behaviors that are not condoned at the middle school or school district as a whole. If you need any additional support, please reach out to your teacher, myself, Miss Russell or Mrs. McCadden. We welcome the opportunity to connect with our students and families. Stay safe and healthy. We miss you!


    Sheila LaDouce
    Principal of Special Programs